By The Chip Witch on Friday, 05 January 2024
Category: ChipWitch Today

ChipWitch Today for 5 January, 2024

Chipwitch Today!

This is Chipwitch Today, your daily source of reliable data upon which you can base your daily practice.

5 January, 2024

Solar activity returned to moderate levels just after the turn of the UT day as Region 3536 (N06E24, Dao/beta-gamma) produced an M3.8/2n flare at 04/0116 UTC, which was the largest of the period. Regions 3534 (S15W51, Dao/Beta) and 3538 (N21W02, Dri/Beta-Gamma) both exhibited evolution, rapidly gaining additional spots, with the latter producing low-level C-class flares. New spots near N11E42 were observed. However, they remain unnumbered at this time as we await USAF observatory reports for consensus on proper classification.

The solar kp index is quiet, with no changes to retrograde effects. The solar wind speed is currently above average, making retrograde effects moderately increased.

The solar wind environment returned to mostly ambient-like levels. Total field decreased from near 8 nT to 3 nT, and the Bz component was at or near neutral. Wind speeds decreased as well to near 400 km/s. Phi was predominantly negative.

There is a 15% chance of solar activity, with a 1% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

The waning moon is currently in Libra, at 26 degrees, 45' 56", at a velocity of 12.24 degrees per day.

The Third Quarter moon is currently 23.2 days old. It is 398275.59 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 11:58:05, 11 Jan, 2024. The next full moon is at 17:54:43, 25 Jan, 2024.

Planetary Information

The Sun

The Sun is in Capricorn

The Sun is at 14 Cap 23' 05", and is 147102573km away and receding.

The Moon

The Moon is in Libra

The Moon will change from Libra to Scorpio in the next 24 hours.

The Moon is at 26 Lib 45' 56", and is 396766km away and approaching.

Moon Is In Libra

Ahoy, cosmic voyagers! Buckle up your space boots and dust off your favorite pair of galactic goggles because we're about to take a wild ride! The Moon, our celestial buddy who's always got our tides and our moods under its gravitational pull, is currently hanging out in the balanced and harmonious sign of Libra. Now, let's put this in perspective. The Moon is precisely 397003.886533124km away. Not close enough to borrow a cup of sugar, but just the right distance to pour some celestial wisdom into our lives. And you thought your long-distance relationship was challenging! As the Moon waltzes its way from Libra to Scorpio in the next 24 hours, expect a cosmic shift akin to Flash Gordon switching his rocket’s speed from "leisurely cosmic cruise" to "warp-speed, hold onto your socks, we're breaking the space-time continuum!" So, what does this mean for you? Well, while the Moon's in Libra, it's all about balance, harmony, and making sure your socks match. But as soon as it hits Scorpio, things get deep, intense, and slightly mysterious. You might find yourself contemplating the mysteries of the universe, like why there's no "E" in "Buzz Lightyear," or why nobody ever talks about Pluto's feelings. But remember, folks, in the grand scheme of the cosmos, we're all just stardust on a rock hurtling through space. So, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the universe, keep an open mind, and maybe, just maybe, give Pluto a little love. It could use it. Until next time, space rangers, keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground...unless you've figured out anti-gravity. In that case, do let us know. We could all use a lift!


Mercury is in Sagittarius

Mercury is prograde at 22 Sag 52' 26", moving at 0.42 degrees per day, and is 129278663km away and receding.

Mercury Is In Sagittarius

Hitching a Ride with Mercury in Sagittarius

Listen up, star gazers! Our little celestial pal, Mercury, has packed its scientific calculator and hitched a ride to Sagittarius. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Mercury, buddy, aren't you more into spreadsheets than vision boards?" It's true, Mercury loves a good data set, but it's also not above dabbling in the occasional philosophical musing. It's kind of like Spock at a Grateful Dead concert.

Sagittarius, the cosmic archer, is all for this. It's like having your super smart friend tag along on your road trip to Tomorrowland. They might spend the journey talking about quantum theories or astrophysics, but hey, at least they packed snacks. Plus, their meticulous nature can help us navigate, ensuring we won't get lost in our dreams and miss the off-ramp to reality.

But here's the catch, while Mercury is busy moonwalking in Sagittarius' space boots, we might find ourselves blurting out our own "Eureka!" moments without considering the fallout. Like yelling "I've discovered the meaning of life!" in the middle of a quiet library. Exciting? Absolutely. Slightly embarrassing? You betcha. So, double, no, triple-check your words during this transit to save yourself from some red-faced moments.

And remember, Sagittarius is the explorer of the zodiac. With Mercury here, we're being handed binoculars and a field guide to the universe. It's time to get out there and expand our horizons. Whether it's booking that out-of-this-world vacation, enrolling in Quantum Mechanics 101, or starting a new job at the Hadron Collider, the possibilities are as vast as the cosmos itself.

So, buckle up, space cadets. It's time to dive headfirst into the cosmic unknown with Mercury in Sagittarius as our guide. Just don't forget to pack your sense of humor, and perhaps a scientific calculator or two. You never know when you'll need to calculate the trajectory of your dreams.


Venus is in Sagittarius

Venus is prograde at 07 Sag 48' 21", moving at 1.22 degrees per day, and is 180781212km away and receding.

Venus Is In Sagittarius

Venus in Sagittarius, hmm?

"In the constellation of the Archer, Venus resides, it does. A time of merriment and discovery this is! No longer hearts hide in the shadows. Like a rambunctious Ewok on Endor, life is to be lived to its fullest, hmmmm. Socializing, new experiences, love in unexpected places... these you will find!"

"Embrace the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius you must. Be drawn to the exotic, the unknown, break away from the Death Star of monotony. Your X-wing of old routines might be traded for the Millennium Falcon of new, brighter experiences. Love does not stand still, it grows, like Yoda's wisdom. Yes, hmmm."

"Like a Wookiee, Sagittarius does not enjoy being tied down. Love light and open, it should be, much like the clear skies of Tatooine. Avoid serious things, you should. For those paired like R2-D2 and C-3PO, liven things up, take a trip to a galaxy far, far away. But be wary, my young Padawans, not all that glitters is gold. Sometimes, a Death Star in disguise, it can be."

"With Venus in Sagittarius, seek excitement and pleasure, you will. Like a Jedi at a galactic clearance sale, quickly your galactic credits could diminish. Be careful of excessive spending, gambling, and frivolity, like Jabba the Hutt at an all-you-can-eat buffet. However, investing in a new course of study or travel experience can turn this energy to the Light Side."

"In summary, with Venus in Sagittarius, a chance to see the bright side of the Force, you have. The more positivity you emit, like a charged lightsaber, the more you will receive in return. May the Force be with you."


Mars is in Capricorn

Mars is prograde at 00 Cap 28' 36", moving at 0.74 degrees per day, and is 360623062km away and approaching.

Mars Is In Capricorn

Ahoy stellar voyagers! Grab your space helmets and buckle up because Mars, our cosmic warrior, has decided to have a rendezvous with good ol' Capricorn. Now, before you go all "Martian Chronicles" on me, remember - this isn't a sci-fi convention, it's an astral alignment that's about as stable as a Vulcan nerve pinch. Mars in Capricorn is like Spock at a Starfleet strategy meeting - logical, focused, and ready to get down to business faster than you can say "Beam me up, Scotty." This transit isn't about making first contact with alien civilizations or inventing warp drive. It's about taking a good look at the star map, charting a course, and getting your starship moving at impulse speed. Got a project that's been gathering stardust? Time to fire up the engines and make it so! This transit isn't just about setting phasers to stun, it's about creating an action plan that even Jean-Luc Picard would be proud of. But beware, fellow explorers, this energy can be as relentless as a Borg cube. It's all about the mission, and sometimes, the little aliens can get trampled in the process. So, as you warp speed through this transit, remember to keep the Prime Directive in mind! Don't let your ambitions turn you into a Ferengi, only looking for profit. Embrace your inner Betazoid and empathize with those around you. After all, we're all just trying to boldly go where no one has gone before! Till next time, live long and prosper, fellow star travelers!


Jupiter is in Taurus

Jupiter is prograde at 05 Tau 37' 37", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 679871584km away and receding.

Jupiter Is In Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus: Luke Skywalker Edition

Alright, folks, strap on your lightsabers and dust off your Jedi robes! Jupiter, our big guy in the solar system (no offense, Tatooine), is cruisin' through Taurus, the zodiac's equivalent of a space rock that just won't budge. Now, this might sound like trying to squeeze Chewbacca into a droid-sized cockpit, but bear with me.

Jupiter, the Yoda of planets, encourages us to think deep and Jedi-like. And Taurus? Well, let's just say it enjoys a good meditation session in its cozy Jedi Temple. So when these two team up, it’s like finding the Death Star plans right under your nose the whole time! The Force isn’t some mystical energy field you can only access during a full moon (sorry, Ewoks). It's always there, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, just drowned out by the blaring cantina music of everyday life.

Now, with Jupiter in Taurus, it's like having the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive at your disposal. You've got the chance to make the Kessel Run towards your dreams, or at least start checking things off your galactic to-do list. Between Jupiter’s “go big or go home” attitude and Taurus’ stubborn as a bantha spirit, we’re encouraged to trust in the Force and reach that shiny medal of success.

And boy, can life be as abundant as a Wookiee hairdo when Jupiter is in Taurus. We're talking about the planet of jackpot and a sign that loves credits more than Han Solo loves sarcasm. This cosmic collision can yield Jabba-the-Hutt-sized results. Time to check our credit balance and see if we can upgrade that old landspeeder, eh?

But keep in mind, Taurus is a notorious indulger - it's the Lando Calrissian of the zodiac. When Jupiter, the planet of "more is more", teams up with this sign, we might find ourselves confusing our needs with our wants and ordering an extra portion of porg. It’s crucial to channel our inner Jedi and exercise patience during this transit, or we might end up stuck with a bill bigger than the Death Star.


Saturn is in Pisces

Saturn is prograde at 03 Pis 37' 51", moving at 0.09 degrees per day, and is 1548304043km away and receding.

Saturn Is In Pisces

Well, howdy, celestial voyagers! Seems like our ol' buddy Saturn's decided to meander into Pisces territory. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Saturn, ain't that some 1.5 billion kilometers away?" Right you are, and it's currently doing the cosmic version of the moonwalk, otherwise known as prograde. So, what does this all mean for us earthbound folks? Well, let's unspool the astral yarn, shall we? Saturn in Pisces is like finding a treasure chest in your attic full of old dreams you squirrelled away. You remember that novel you always wanted to write or that business you planned on starting? Well, now's the time to dust off those dreams, shine 'em up, and see if they still fit. It's a bit like trying on an old pair of pants, might be a tight squeeze, but remember, fashion is pain...or was it beauty? Ah well, you get my drift. Now, this ain't gonna be as easy as sipping tea at a Browncoat reunion. Saturn's got a habit of poking its nose where it ain't always wanted. It's like that nosy neighbour who insists on knowing why your lawn ain't mowed yet. You might feel like hanging a giant "Keep Out" sign on your dreams, but trust me, having Saturn rummage through your mental attic can be a big help. It might ruffle a few feathers, but hey, sometimes we need a little ruffling to get things in order. And there's another thing folks, Saturn in Pisces might mess with your beauty sleep. You could find yourself counting more sheep than a shepherd on overtime. But, don't fret, there are ways around this. Try some meditation, or a stroll through nature. Heck, just taking some deep breaths can do wonders. And remember, napping ain't just for preschoolers. Just make sure you've got a dream journal handy when you wake up. So, buckle up, stargazers. Saturn in Pisces is gonna be a wild ride. It might get a bit bumpy, but hey, that's life in the cosmos. So take this time to listen to the celestial whispers and learn from the wisdom of the stars. And as always, keep flying.


Uranus is in Taurus

Uranus is retrograde at 19 Tau 17' 51", moving backwards at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 2847376192km away and receding.

Uranus Is In Taurus

Alright, my star-struck comrades, it's time for another cosmic update! So grab your telescopes and buckle up because we are heading to giggling now. I know, I know, it's hard to resist a good Uranus joke. But this is serious astrological business. Well, as serious as I get, anyway. So, here's the scoop. Uranus, that unpredictable, rebellious maverick of a planet is currently crashing at Taurus' place. Now, Taurus, bless their stubborn little hearts, likes things steady and consistent. They're the type who'd still be using a rotary phone if they could, just because "it's always worked fine." So, you can imagine the tension when Uranus waltzed in with all its radical ideas and sudden changes. It's like having a techno DJ move into a retirement community. But here's the thing, my astrology aficionados, change isn't always bad. Sure, Taurus might grumble a bit, but even they can't resist the allure of those shiny new possibilities. You know how your grandma was resistant to smartphones but now she's all over Facebook? Yeah, it's kind of like that. Now, Taurus is a bit of a money guru, so while Uranus is in town, we can expect some revolutionary ways of handling our cash. Imagine if our money started growing on trees or if banks turned into giant piggy banks. Okay, maybe not that radical, but you get the idea. On a personal level, Uranus in Taurus is giving us a nudge (or a shove) to rethink our relationship with money. Are you drowning in debt? Chained to your credit card? Trapped in the endless cycle of rent or mortgage payments? Well, it's time to break free, my friends! This cosmic transit is all about shaking off those financial shackles and finding a new, liberating perspective on money. So, there you have it folks. Change is coming, whether we like it or not. But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom. Think of it as a cosmic spring cleaning. Out with the old and in with the new. And remember, change can be good. After all, without change, we'd still be using dial-up internet...and nobody wants that!


Neptune is in Pisces

Neptune is prograde at 25 Pis 08' 35", moving at 0.02 degrees per day, and is 4519841071km away and receding.

Neptune Is In Pisces

Alrighty, star gazers! Get your geek glasses on and set your cosmic GPS to Neptune, because this big blue beauty has decided to take a vacation in Pisces. Now, hold onto your space helmets, because we are about to dive into the fun and fantastic world of astrological enlightenment! Now, Neptune being in Pisces is like a Star Trek convention taking place in a yoga retreat. Imagine Spock doing a sun salutation, or Kirk chanting "om." It’s a merging of the mystical and the scientific, the emotional and the logical. This cosmic conjunction reminds us that all those little squabbles over who got the last slice of pizza or who used up all the hot water for their shower, are as insignificant as a single star in the Andromeda galaxy. The real treasure here, my friends, is unity. It's like we've been handed a cosmic map and compass, and every direction points to 'togetherness'. So, what's your unique superpower? Maybe you make a mean vegan lasagna, or perhaps you can solve a Rubik's cube in under a minute. Whatever it is, it's time to shine, baby! Neptune in Pisces is practically sending us a universal e-vite to embrace our inner Yoda and explore our spiritual side. Ever wanted to learn about Reiki? Or maybe you've been meaning to create that meditation nook in your living room. Well, now is the time, my celestial comrades! Remember, this cosmic event doesn't happen often, so don't let it pass by like a comet in the night. Neptune in Pisces is your personal cheerleader, shaking its pom-poms and cheering you on as you connect with your inner self and share your light with the universe. So, whether you're a Sheldon or a Penny, a Leonard or an Amy, it's time to boldly go where no man, woman, or extraterrestrial has gone before! To infinity and beyond! Or, you know, to Neptune and Pisces. Same difference.


Pluto is in Capricorn

Pluto is prograde at 29 Cap 29' 28", moving at 0.03 degrees per day, and is 5366505398km away and receding.

Pluto Is In Capricorn

Ah, my dear celestial stargazers! Now, here's a fun fact to kickstart our cosmic conversation: did you know that Pluto is currently frolicking in the constellation of Capricorn and is a staggering 5,366,488,041.181029320km away? (Yes, I counted every kilometer... with a really big tape measure). Now, just like the Doctor's Tardis, our universe is vast, unpredictable, and full of surprises. It's timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly stuff indeed. So, let's focus on this Pluto and Capricorn duo, shall we? Imagine Pluto as a sort of cosmic Dalek, exterminating all the negativity and outdated patterns in our lives. It's about as subtle as a sonic screwdriver in a library, but boy does it get the job done! On the other hand, Capricorn, being the ambitious goat, is all about success, power, and climbing that symbolic mountain. Think of Capricorn as a Time Lord, always equipped with a master plan and ready to take charge. But, don't lose those 3D glasses yet, because just like the Doctor sometimes warns, "Don't wander off," Capricorn can become so focused on the goal that it forgets to appreciate other viewpoints. So, while Pluto's busy decluttering your life like a cosmic Marie Kondo, make sure you're not turning into a Weeping Angel, cold and intolerant of others' ideas. Remember, it's all about balance; like fish fingers and custard, some combinations may seem odd but can work together beautifully! So, my dear space-time travellers, as Pluto dances around in Capricorn, embrace the changes, but don't forget to keep an open heart and mind. After all, as the Doctor once said, "We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Current Planetary Aspects

Sun14 Cap 23' 05"
Moon26 Lib 45' 56"
Mercury22 Sag 52' 26"
Venus07 Sag 48' 21"
Mars00 Cap 28' 36"
Jupiter05 Tau 37' 37"
Saturn03 Pis 37' 51"
Uranus19 Tau 17' 51" R
Neptune25 Pis 08' 35"
Pluto29 Cap 29' 28"

Current Planetary Positions


Mercury Square Neptune

Confusion is likely today in your relationships with other people. Take care and read all the fine print. Stay away from taking permanent legal actions as your thinking is colored by who knows what. You may be suckered into something you don't want to do or don't believe in, so watch your step. Misunderstandings in communicating with others is possible. Remember, they may not be hearing what you are trying to say. Nervous anxiety and tension may make you feel listless today. Don't let your imagination carry you away.You might have problems concentrating because your mind is often wandering. Your thinking is exceptionally imaginative, intuitive, and creative. Stretching the truth, whether done consciously or not (or a bit of both), is associated with this position. Bored with anything dull, routine, or lifeless, you often dramatize or connect higher meaning to ordinary events and situations. You are often vague in your communications, purposefully or not, as you resist being pinned down to any one opinion or stance. This is partly due to your ability to see so many different points of view and perspectives. Logical, detail-oriented work and studies are not designed for your way of thinking and learning. Creative presentations, ripe with images and imagery, are what grab your attention and interest. Your style of communication, or possibly thinking, is often self-defeating, and you should consciously avoid a tendency to give up on projects or plans before they even get off the ground. Planning ahead is not a preference, as you prefer to move along running on the fuel of inspiration and intuition.Your style of communication may be unusual, perhaps with many pauses or digressions. You may be deliberately vague or unintentionally so, depending on your nature. Some of you are great storytellers.Sample interpretation from the Merlin report — Your mind is highly imaginative and creative and you possess dramatic, artistic, or musical abilities. As a child, you enjoyed daydreaming, fantasizing, pretending, and probably lived in “your own little world” a good deal. You perceive things which are not obvious to other people and you have an uncanny ability to “read” people and situations without being told anything about them. However, you must learn to discriminate between a true psychic perception and your imagination. Learning to discipline and focus your mind is necessary if you wish to use all of your creative potential. Otherwise, you could be simply a dreamer.Communication with others is difficult for you because you often find words frustrating and inadequate to express your experiences and perceptions. Also, you may purposefully mystify or deceive others.Some Famous People with the Mercury in Hard Aspect to Neptune: Squares – Bob Dylan, Jim Morrison, Donald Trump, Jim Bakker, Mae West, Spencer Tracy, Tom Snyder, Rich Little, Jack London, Bob Dylan; Oppositions – Bono (U2), Marlene Dietrich, Richard Chamberlain, Florence Henderson, Charles De Gaulle, Christian Dior.


Jupiter Sextile Saturn

Progress can be made in business and professional affairs, especially regarding law, politics, education, religion, and travel. A certain seriousness toward career and life direction is evident. Organized expansion into new areas can further your goals. You have a serious minded, responsible attitude toward achieving your long range goals.You have an underlying self-confidence that is based on your belief that life will give you whatever you want if you are willing to work for it. You see the reasonableness in the way that things happen and are willing to invest in yourself. You are very industrious, believing that hard work will bring you progress. You have a taste for material acquisition but are willing to work for what comes to you. — Interpretation from the Indra report.The trine aspect is the more dynamic of the two harmonious aspects. Those with the sextile can call upon these traits when needed, and those with the trine between the Jupiter and Saturn have incorporated the traits of the aspect into their personalities, expressing them naturally and consistently.Jupiter trine Saturn: *You have a good balance between idealism, optimism, and vision for the future on one hand and a realistic sense of what can actually be achieved on the other hand. Your judgment and business sense are usually quite good. You possess patience and the ability to accept limitation and frustration on the way to your goals.Older, more experienced individuals or mentors are likely to play a significant and beneficial role in your life.Jupiter sextile Saturn: *You have the patience and the stamina to realize your visions and bring them down to earth, a fine balance between hard work and realism, and a positive, hopeful spirit. You grow through following systems and plans, and taking one step at a time. Overnight success or instant enlightenment is not what you aim for. Your patient, well-balanced approach gives you credibility with many different types of people, and you are apt to gain an excellent reputation for being able to do big things without overreaching or becoming pretentious.#You have the capacity to endure through the daily grind to find something of spiritual value in your work and relationships. You are happy to spend time in seclusion, studying or meditating.

Notes about Transits

Mars is all about action, and where Mars is in our chart with transits is a place where we are prepared to stand our ground. Mars transits can be really productive, but they can also be angsty, aggressive, and sometimes come from a place of anger. It's important to pay attention to how you direct that energy. Mars transits can last for up to a couple weeks.
Jupiter transits enhance your life with optimism and forward-thinking, and lasting for about a month, give you plenty of time to take advantage. Bigger and better is Jupiter's way of thinking, and should be yours as well.
Saturn transits, on the other hand, are where we get a major reality check, and if we’re not ready for them, they can be pretty rotten. Of course, if we’re prepared and up to the task, Saturn transits can also bring very well-deserved rewards, too. Saturn transits last a bit longer than Jupiter transits—usually 2 months or so at a time, but with retrograde cycles, you could be looking at the same lessons three times over a 6 month period.
The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto last for such a long time that they make long-lasting impacts on our lives. In fact, Neptune and Pluto can last for two to three years! Consider their effects, plan accordingly, and make them part of your life for the better.

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