The next Virgo will start in 171 days (Saturday, 23 August, 2025, 07:59 UTC)

The Moon moves to Virgo in 7 days (Wednesday, 12 March, 2025, 07:59 UTC)

Mercury moves to Virgo in 182 days (Wednesday, 03 September, 2025, 07:59 UTC)

Venus moves to Virgo in 199 days (Saturday, 20 September, 2025, 07:59 UTC)

Mars moves to Virgo in 105 days (Wednesday, 18 June, 2025, 07:59 UTC)

virgo August 24 – September 22

Virgo, much like its symbolism, is feminine, lady-like graceful and duty-bound. The 6th Sign of the Zodiac, Virgo is also a meticulous perfectionist. Most Virgo natives are sincere and caring to the fault – towards their families, friends and loved ones. However, they also tend to be worriers and naggers to some degree. Critical and exacting of most ideas, things and situations, Virgos can be equally a joy as they can be a pain. This attribute of the Virgo make them slightly irritable and somewhat negative in their approach. Nonetheless, Virgo is an Earth Sign, and all the mother-earth like qualities and abilities are a part of these individuals’ persona.

This makes them gentle, caring, loving, responsible nurturers – but these nurturers will expect you to follow their strict sets of rules. Yes, that is another very important aspect of the Virgo individuals personality – most of these perfectionist people are great organizers and that is why, they have a certain set of rules, they follow – and expect others too to adhere to them. Virgos are great list-makers. You will find them with a list for almost everything. But then, they also carefully stick to their lists. You will rarely find a Virgo’s desk scattered or bed unmade.

Methodical and efficient, Virgos also are open to helping others, especially the ones who are close to others. Expert communicators, they also are often good at giving advice, and thus, you may find them being the ‘proverbial agony aunt’ of their circle. They also make good parents, and are protective of their mate, family and loved ones. Virgo is said to be the most fitness conscious Sign of the Zodiac – so dedicated is their pursuit for fitness, health and well being of their own selves as well as others’.

The horoscope earth element leads to a mentality focused on the material, what’s palpable and possible to investigate. The mutable quality normally makes a follower, but in the case of the Virgo Zodiac sign it’s more of a critical attitude that never ceases. Virgo is difficult to manipulate and almost impossible to dupe. Virgo is also very hard to please. The symbol of the Virgo horoscope sign, and the translation of its name, is the Virgin or the Maiden - not always the same thing, although in this framework intended to be. The idea of the maiden representing the Virgo horoscope sign’s traits may be the romantic notion that a woman chooses carefully her first. More of an archetype for the Virgo horoscope sign and its meaning, though, would be a craftsman working minutely with complicated machines consisting of a multitude of small components that need to be assembled with precision.

There are three earth signs in the Zodiac of the horoscope: Capricorn who prefers working with big things, Taurus who concentrates on basic things, and Virgo who is the expert of small and complicated things. That demands of the Virgo horoscope character to be critical and pay attention to detail. It’s an ability becoming a personality, which is something that can be said of most Zodiac signs. Virgos love purity and they are the purist. They often are critical while judging their near and dear ones. They are observant and analytical. When it comes to friendship, they are very reliable. They are helpful and always eager to help others. They do not love to talk much. They talk briefly as well as answer briefly. They have a natural knack in music and often dreams to be musician.

Virgos are perfectionists, but very often, their perfect and purity come as an intolerable criticism for their close ones. They often act cynical, when you ask them any question. Sometimes they are interfering and rigid. They are so particular about their belongings that sometimes it appears irritating. Virgos sometimes react very coldly without your expectations. For this reason, they often lead a boring life. Virgos are very alert about everything. They consciously see that they do not ruin or destroy anything, in the course of doing any job. They take a closer look at everything and do the needful to do the task carefully without hurting anyone. As mentioned earlier, Virgos are always moody. For their unpredictable mood, they are the best people for you, if you love excitement in life. Almost all Virgos are perfectionists. They know what they want and they prefer to keep their every belonging at the proper place. They often turn finicky in order to get all things in place. Virgos are very economical in every sphere of their life. You cannot tell them miser but they definitely know how to save. They are very calculative and they never miss a single chance to strike the best deal, be it in the business or in street shopping. Virgos are very tradition in every aspect of life. They strictly believe in the values and principles, with which they grow up. They never want to experiment rather than always go for the tested paths. Virgos are very trustworthy. Be in any situation in life, if you are with a Virgo, he or she will help you from the deepest corner of his or her heart. They are always available to do their duties for their near and dear ones. Moreover, they do not complain about any issue, which they face in accomplishing the obligations.

Virgos have distinctive traits which mark them differently from the rest. Sagacity is the most salient feature of Virgos. In fact, they are the most level headed of all the zodiac signs. They have an analytical mind which helps them approach a situation critically. Virgos are gifted with the ability to differentiate a good from the bad. It is hard to deceive Virgo since they can see through you. Virgos are less likely to fall for show of power, money or status. Virgos are reliable as friends. Their decisions are therefore sought after by others on critical situations.

When being practical is the strength of Virgo, overdoing it also makes it their weakness. Virgos are cleanliness freaks and at times unnecessarily so. They are suspicious of everything and everyone around them. They are fussy and take too much interest in others’ affairs. Their nature to put everything in the right order can make them undesirable to others. It is easy to get a wrong idea about Virgos that they are calm and composed. But in reality they are nervous and unorganized in their minds. Most of the time, they use up all their energy in arranging their surrounding when their minds remain unorganized. Virgos spend too much time in thinking and therefore are often found missing in action. They tend to make fuss over simple issues as well. Virgos are ambitious and inquisitive and strive to learn everything about a thing. Virgos have a very thinking and active mind which can’t be silenced. They don’t readily accept other’s point of view. Virgos are also very independent. Their independence along with their thinking mind may lead to narrow-mindedness as well. However, Virgos have clear hearts full of love and affection for others. They usually don’t allow any malicious thinking about others.