The next Libra will start in 202 days (Tuesday, 23 September, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

The Moon moves to Libra in 10 days (Saturday, 15 March, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

Mercury moves to Libra in 197 days (Thursday, 18 September, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

Venus moves to Libra in 223 days (Tuesday, 14 October, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

Mars moves to Libra in 155 days (Thursday, 07 August, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

There are no planets in Libra at this time.

Libra Report

"Libra, Prepare to Tip the Scales: Unruly Uranus Plans a Cosmic Prank & Your Love Life Might Get Caught in the Crossfire!"

The next Libra will start in 247 days, at Monday, 23 September, 2024

The Moon moves to Libra in 11 days, at Wednesday, 31 January, 2024

Mercury moves to Libra in 251 days, at Friday, 27 September, 2024

Venus moves to Libra in 223 days, at Friday, 30 August, 2024

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 9.6 days old. The next new moon is at 23:00:44, 9 Feb 2024. The next full moon is at 12:31:19, 24 Feb 2024.

Well, hello there, Libra! I see the Waxing Gibbous moon has been on a strict diet and is now a svelte 9.6 days old. That’s prime time, my friend! It's like the moon is your personal DJ, spinning your favorite tunes right when you need it. This week, you're like Schrodinger's cat in a cosmic box - both ready for adventure and seeking solitude at the same time. Sounds a wee bit confusing, doesn't it? But fear not, that's just the universe testing your balance scales. You might as well make yourself comfortable in this paradox, my dear. After all, if Schrodinger's cat could do it, why can't you? Keep those peepers peeled for unexpected opportunities knocking at your door. Or, they might even slip a note under it if you're not looking. Just be sure to check the peephole before you open, we don't want any cosmic cold callers, do we? Remember, Libra, the universe has a knack for playing hide and seek with us humans. It's our job to find the cosmic breadcrumbs and make a stellar sandwich. So, whether you're wrestling with quantum mechanics or just trying to decide what socks to wear, remember - it's all relative! #SchrodingersLibra #CosmicColdCallers #BalancingTheScales #WaxingGibbousGlam #QuantumQuandaries


SignToday Is Posting: 20.01.2024 08:02:01 (lib-20-01-2024)

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