The next Libra will start in 202 days (Tuesday, 23 September, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

The Moon moves to Libra in 10 days (Saturday, 15 March, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

Mercury moves to Libra in 197 days (Thursday, 18 September, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

Venus moves to Libra in 223 days (Tuesday, 14 October, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

Mars moves to Libra in 155 days (Thursday, 07 August, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

There are no planets in Libra at this time.

Libra Report

"Libra, Brace Yourself! Your Scales Are About to Tip: Cosmic Jenga Predicts a Stellar Upheaval!"

The next Libra will start in 331 days, at Monday, 23 September, 2024

The Moon moves to Libra in 13 days, at Friday, 10 November, 2023

Mercury moves to Libra in 335 days, at Friday, 27 September, 2024

Venus moves to Libra in 12 days, at Thursday, 09 November, 2023

The Full moon is currently 14.2 days old. The next new moon is at 9:27:15, 13 Nov 2023. The next full moon is at 9:16:41, 27 Nov 2023.

Good day, my balanced Librans! It's time to get your space suits ready because the moon is showing off its full glow at 14.2 days old. It's like a big cosmic cheese wheel in the sky, and who doesn't love cheese, right? This lunar phase is shining directly into the Libran scales, throwing your normally harmonious energy into an intergalactic tango. You might feel like you're on board the Nostromo with a Xenomorph chasing you down the corridors. But fear not, dear Libra! This isn't a Ridley Scott movie, it's your life, and there's no need for any Sigourney Weaver-levels of panic. With your ruling planet, Venus, hanging out in your favorite corner of the cosmos, you're still capable of finding balance even if it feels like an alien's got your empathetic heart in its extra-terrestrial grip. Just remember, even if an 'Alien' is breathing down your neck, you can always rely on your diplomatic skills to negotiate some space. In terms of love, you might feel like you've got facehuggers clinging onto you instead of romantic partners. But have no fear! Your charm is as powerful as a pulse rifle. Just keep that energy strong, make sure your communication is as clear as spaceship glass, and you'll keep the chestbursters at bay. In conclusion, this phase may feel like you're in a sci-fi horror flick, but remember, the credits always roll, and a new day always dawns. Channel your inner Ripley, show that Xenomorph who's boss, and restore balance to your galaxy. #LibraLife #FullMoonFever #AlienAntics #BalancingAct #CosmicCheeseWheel #RipleyRealness #InterstellarDiplomacy


SignToday Is Posting: 28.10.2023 08:02:01 (lib-28-10-2023)

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