The next Sagittarius will start in 262 days (Saturday, 22 November, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 15 days (Thursday, 20 March, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

Mercury moves to Sagittarius in 238 days (Wednesday, 29 October, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

Venus moves to Sagittarius in 271 days (Monday, 01 December, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

Mars moves to Sagittarius in 245 days (Wednesday, 05 November, 2025, 11:59 UTC)

There are no planets in Sagittarius at this time.

Sagittarius Report

"Sagittarius: Strap on Your Jetpacks! Jupiter's Doing the Macarena and It's Time to Join the Cosmic Conga Line!"

The next Sagittarius will start in 11 days, at Thursday, 23 November, 2023

The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 2 days, at Tuesday, 14 November, 2023

Mercury is currently in Sagittarius

Venus moves to Sagittarius in 48 days, at Saturday, 30 December, 2023

Mars moves to Sagittarius in 13 days, at Saturday, 25 November, 2023

The New moon is currently 28.5 days old. The next new moon is at 9:27:15, 13 Nov 2023. The next full moon is at 9:16:41, 27 Nov 2023.

"Hey, Sagittarians! You lucky centaurs, this is your time to shine! Mercury, the cosmic messenger, has decided to vacation in your neck of the interstellar woods. Now, Mercury being in Sagittarius is kind of like having Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory as a house guest. He's full of mind-blowing information, but his social manners... well, let's just say they're a work in progress. Expect communication mishaps and perhaps a few unintentional foot-in-mouth moments. But hey, it's all part of the charm, right? As for your lunar forecast, the New moon is nearly past its bedtime, about 28.5 days old. That's like being the last one to leave the party, tipsy on stardust and still dancing. This means a time of introspection and personal growth for you. It's a perfect opportunity to dive into that self-help book you've been using to prop up your coffee table. And drum roll, please... the next Full moon will make its grand entrance at precisely 9:16:41 on the 27th of November, 2023. I mean, talk about making an entrance! This moon will be as radiant as a disco ball in a seventies nightclub. Expect emotions to run high, like a season finale of Doctor Who. This month, keep an eye out for unexpected opportunities and remember to pack an extra pair of socks... because you never know when you might step into something... interesting. #SagittariusSeason #MercuryInSagittarius #NewMoonVibes #FullMoonFever #AstroNerds"


SignToday Is Posting: 12.11.2023 08:22:01 (sag-12-11-2023)

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