The next Capricorn will start in 292 days (Monday, 22 December, 2025, 11:52 UTC)

The Moon moves to Capricorn in 17 days (Saturday, 22 March, 2025, 11:52 UTC)

Mercury moves to Capricorn in 303 days (Friday, 02 January, 2026, 11:52 UTC)

Venus moves to Capricorn in 295 days (Thursday, 25 December, 2025, 11:52 UTC)

Mars moves to Capricorn in 285 days (Monday, 15 December, 2025, 11:52 UTC)

There are no planets in Capricorn at this time.

The Moon is moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn

"Brace Yourselves, Space Cadets! The Moon's Packing its Cosmic Carry-on: Sagittarius is Out, Capricorn is In!"

The MoonThe Moon is moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn in the next 24 hours.

Moon In Capricorn

How much do you have left undone right now? Focus your attention on those unfinished projects and get them off your plate. Put in the work and while the moon is in Capricorn you're going to clear that todo list. Work smart! With the moon in conservative Capricorn, it's time to be a bit more cautious, focus seriously, and embrace that "down to earth" nature. Pay attention to the longer-term goals. During this Capricorn Moon, take note of your professional life. Put in the extra effort and it will pay off, and always keep your eye on the next move.

#Moon #Capricorn #Sagittarius

Hey there, Moon! Just like when I upgraded the Millennium Falcon, you're moving from the fiery and adventurous Sagittarius into the disciplined and practical Capricorn. Now, don't take it as a downgrade, okay? It's more like shifting from hyperdrive to manual control. You're not losing your zest, but you’re slowing down to focus on your goals. Capricorn is the Obi-Wan Kenobi of the zodiac - wise, patient and knows exactly how to use the force (or gravity, in your case). Expect to feel a surge in your determination. Sure, Sagittarius was fun, a bit like a party with Ewoks, but in Capricorn, you'll feel like you're finally getting a grip on that lightsaber. You may find yourself wanting to set some lunar resolutions (yeah, that's a thing), maybe clean up a few craters, or finally set up that moon base you've been thinking about. Remember, Moon, "Do. Or do not. There is no try." And yes, you might occasionally feel a bit like a stormtrooper – a little rigid and at times missing the mark (ever heard of the dark side of the moon?). But hey, even stormtroopers get to have their moments, right? So buckle up, Moon, and may the Capricorn force be with you! #MoonTransit #SagittariusToCapricorn #StarWarsAstrology #MillenniumFalconMoods #LunarResolutions

Moon, Sagittarius, Capricorn

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