The next Scorpio will start in 232 days (Thursday, 23 October, 2025, 11:49 UTC)

The Moon moves to Scorpio in 12 days (Monday, 17 March, 2025, 11:49 UTC)

Mercury moves to Scorpio in 216 days (Tuesday, 07 October, 2025, 11:49 UTC)

Venus moves to Scorpio in 247 days (Friday, 07 November, 2025, 11:49 UTC)

Mars moves to Scorpio in 201 days (Monday, 22 September, 2025, 11:49 UTC)

There are no planets in Scorpio at this time.

The Moon is moving from Libra to Scorpio

"Breaking Astro-News: The Moon is Ditching Libra for Scorpio! Love Drama or Galactic Upgrade? Stay Tuned!"

The MoonThe Moon is moving from Libra to Scorpio in the next 24 hours.

Moon In Scorpio

Scorpio's moon reminds you to avoid distractions. Your emotions are likely running pretty strong, so make sure to focus and don't take things too personally. Don't jump to conclusions. That said, those strong emotions might be useful in your love life!

Notice that you're reacting a little more harshly. You're going to be a little more passionate. You're likely to push your limits. Take advantage of this to be more introspective of your feelings and let them guide you.

New Moon In Scorpio

Remember to closely watch your emotions, especially in terms of projecting them on to others. They're yours: own them. Look deep at your problems in attempts to solve them. This Scorpio New Moon urges us to plant the seed of expression. Speaking the truth isn’t always easy, especially if our feelings conflict with someone else’s. You may have felt torn between supporting others and supporting yourself, but during this New Moon you’ll finally feel ready to express what’s in your heart. You won’t just have the urge to express your emotions, you may also experience them more fully than you normally do. Powerful and profound Scorpio doesn’t hold anything back! In fact, it could feel like you’re going through an emotional upheaval. Diving into an ocean of emotion isn’t necessarily a bad thing because the greatest treasures are often found the deeper you’re willing to go.


#Moon #Scorpio #Libra

Well, well, well, look who's getting all mysterious and intense. It's you, Moon, transitioning from gentle Libra to deep-diving Scorpio. I can see you there, hovering in the cosmos like a big old cheese wheel in the sky. #CheeseMoon #ScorpioSeason Now, we all know that Libra is the diplomat of the zodiac, all about balance and harmony. You've been playing nice, keeping things light and breezy. But as you move into Scorpio's territory, things are about to get... interesting. Like, "I just found a microchip in my toaster" kind of interesting. Scorpio's realm is all about transformation, rebirth, and the deeper truths of existence. So, put on your nerdy glasses and your spiritual tie-dye shirt, because we're going to dive deep into the mysteries of the universe. And by mysteries, I mean like why do socks disappear in the dryer or why does toast always land butter side down? #MysteriesOfTheUniverse #SockBlackHole As you move into Scorpio, Moon, don't be surprised if emotions start running high. It's like a sci-fi movie where the robots suddenly develop feelings and start writing poetry. Expect passion, intensity, and a healthy dose of drama. Don't worry, though. It's all part of the process. You're shedding your old skin, like a cosmic snake, preparing for a major transformation. So, gear up, Moon. Your journey into Scorpio is going to be like a roller coaster ride through a wormhole, with a few side trips into alternate dimensions. Remember, it's not about the destination, but the journey. Embrace the change, go with the flow, and remember to laugh at the absurdity of it all. #RollerCoasterRide #WormholeFun And if you find any missing socks on your journey, do let us know. The universe could use a good laugh. #SockRescueMission

Moon, Libra, Scorpio

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