The next Virgo will start in 171 days (Saturday, 23 August, 2025, 11:12 UTC)

The Moon moves to Virgo in 7 days (Wednesday, 12 March, 2025, 11:12 UTC)

Mercury moves to Virgo in 182 days (Wednesday, 03 September, 2025, 11:12 UTC)

Venus moves to Virgo in 199 days (Saturday, 20 September, 2025, 11:12 UTC)

Mars moves to Virgo in 104 days (Tuesday, 17 June, 2025, 11:12 UTC)

There are no planets in Virgo at this time.

Virgo Report

"Virgo Season: Time to Channel Your Inner Hermione Granger, Minus the Evil Wizards and With More Kale Smoothies!"

The next Virgo will start in 165 days, at Friday, 23 August, 2024

The Moon moves to Virgo in 11 days, at Friday, 22 March, 2024

Mercury moves to Virgo in 137 days, at Friday, 26 July, 2024

Venus moves to Virgo in 147 days, at Monday, 05 August, 2024

The New moon is currently 1.1 days old. The next new moon is at 18:23:21, 8 Apr 2024. The next full moon is at 23:51:09, 23 Apr 2024.

"Virgo, oh Virgo! Look, it's your favorite... a 'new moon'. Isn't that exciting? Don't answer that. It's rhetorical. With the new moon being just a day old, it's about as fresh as my mother's homemade kombucha. And like that potent brew, there's a whole lot of fermentation going on. Just think, if you were a werewolf, you'd be a tiny pup right now, probably still trying to figure out how to use those new claws without scratching up the furniture. But remember, you're a Virgo, not a werewolf. At least I think so... The cosmos are telling me with this new moon in your sign, it's time to embrace all things new. New hobbies, new friends, heck, maybe even some new socks. You know, the ones with the planets and constellations on them. With the current planetary alignment, it's the perfect time to get nerdy and start studying things that interest you. And don't forget about love, Virgo. Yes, I know, love can be as confusing as trying to understand why E.T. didn't just phone home from the start. But with Venus winking at you from across the solar system, it might be a good time to let your heart light up (just like E.T.'s!) and follow wherever it leads. So grab your Reeses Pieces, hop on a bike, and fly to the moon, Virgo. Just remember to come back down. It's hard to get good WiFi up there. #NewMoonNewMe #ExtraTerrestrialLove #NerdyVirgo"


SignToday Is Posting: 11.03.2024 07:52:02 (vir-11-03-2024)

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