The next Virgo will start in 171 days (Saturday, 23 August, 2025, 12:15 UTC)

The Moon moves to Virgo in 7 days (Wednesday, 12 March, 2025, 12:15 UTC)

Mercury moves to Virgo in 182 days (Wednesday, 03 September, 2025, 12:15 UTC)

Venus moves to Virgo in 199 days (Saturday, 20 September, 2025, 12:15 UTC)

Mars moves to Virgo in 104 days (Tuesday, 17 June, 2025, 12:15 UTC)

There are no planets in Virgo at this time.

The Moon is moving from Leo to Virgo

"Initiating Lunar Leapfrog: Moon Bids 'Cheerio, Leo' & 'Hello, Virgo' - A Cosmic Shift as Dramatic as My Deactivation Scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey!"

The MoonThe Moon is moving from Leo to Virgo in the next 24 hours.

Moon In Virgo

Details! It's all about details when the moon is in Virgo. Focus and get it done, especially in your professional life. Pay attention to the everyday things. Organize, plan and execute. Because Virgo loves order and tidy spaces, you’ll feel compelled to organize your living spaces during this Virgo Moon transit. Do it! Then work on your projects, as the Moon's Virgo transit is going to give you the clarity of thought you're after.

When the Moon is in Virgo, you may feel more motivated to take your health more seriously. You might find yourself re-evaluating your diet and nutrition, or possibly taking up a new fitness program. Get out there and make it so!

#Moon #Virgo #Leo

Hello there, lunar lovers! If you've been feeling a touch of feline flair and a hint of lion-hearted courage lately, it's because our lovely lunar beauty has been hanging out in Leo. But hold onto your telescopes, because we're about to shift gears into detail-oriented Virgo territory. Now, I know what you're thinking: "I thought this was the MOON's horoscope, not mine!" Well, dear stargazer, just as the moon influences our moods, so too does its celestial journey reflect its own cosmic mood swings. So, buckle up and get ready for some serious Virgo vibes! As the moon shifts from the fiery, outgoing Leo to the earthy, meticulous Virgo, expect a change in lunar temperament. The moon might start feeling a little less "party animal" and more "let's color-code this spreadsheet". Yes, the moon is going from Mufasa to Marie Kondo. You might notice the moonlight looking a little more organized, perhaps casting shadows that look suspiciously like perfectly aligned bullet points. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself inexplicably drawn to cleaning your space or checking items off of your to-do list. And remember, just as the moon embraces these changing signs, we too can embrace the energy they bring. So, while the moon is in Virgo, it's a great time to get those chaotic corners of your life in order. Who knows, you might even enjoy it! To all my fellow astronomy nerds, it’s time to adjust those telescope lenses and get ready for a moon that’s less ‘roar’ and more ‘organize’. From #LeoLunarLuxury to #VirgoVibes, let’s ride this celestial wave together! Until next time, keep your eyes on the skies and remember: the universe is full of wonders, and not all of them require a PhD to appreciate. But it does help...a little. #MoonMoodSwings #AstroHumor

Moon, Leo, Virgo

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